5 Ways to Stay Awake on the Road Home

By Maryl Joop

If you think about how much time you spend driving your car, you will probably be surprised at much time it really is. You most likely drive to school or to work, and then you use your car later in the day as well to go to events, activities, grocery shopping, to the gym, or numerous other places.

If you are a person who spends a lot of time driving, it is imperative that you learn how to drive in the safest manner possible. Safety should be your top concern while driving; your safety and the safety of others around you.

The following are 5 great ideas to keep you awake during the long drive ahead. No one tip will be a permanent fix, but each is intended to work in conjunction with the others to keep you awake throughout the entire drive.

One of the main causes of car accidents is distracted driving. Distracted driving is any activity that takes a driver's attention away from driving. There are many distractions that can hinder a person's ability to drive safely. One of the main and most common distractions of drivers is texting.

But luckily there are ways for car owners in Santa Clarita to protect their vehicles from theft and burglary if they choose to follow solid safety tips and common sense.

It can be quite refreshing to take a break from the loud tunes and engage in a good conversation with a friend. Whether you bring that friend with you (and reverse the order of conversation and music) or give them a call on the phone, an engaging conversation will keep your eyes open and mind alert.

Another common distraction is simply talking on the phone while driving. When you're talking on the phone to someone, much of your brain activity and power is focused on the conversation you're having.

Studies have shown that talking on the phone while driving reduces brain activity focused on driving by 37%. Basically, when you're on your phone, your attention is divided. This is not a safe way to approach driving. Another common distraction for drivers is adjusting or fiddling with the radio, a CD player, or MP3 player.

Fifth and finally, stay well hydrated. A properly hydrated body can use more energy. The brain is refreshed and better prepared for a long trip. Stay hydrated and properly energized and your body will make it through the tiring times ahead.

It is probably true that most drivers have been guilty of being distracted by at least one of these things before while driving. The key to ending distracted driving is to educate people on how detrimental it can be. In 2011, 3,331 people were killed in car accidents that involved a distracted driver. Those are 3,331 people that would not have died if the driver had decided to put away their phone and focus on the road.

By following these and other guidelines dictated by local authorities, and by having quality car insurance in Santa Clarita to compensate for any losses, an individual will be able to protect their vehicle and their property from car thieves.

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