Choosing Usage Based Insurance May Mean Paying Less

By Dell F. Franecki

Observant drivers wishing to make driving safer and their carbon imprint lower may find that Usage based insurance is a sound choice. Currently, most Americans own a car and use it on a daily basis. Standard insurance prices take into account only the most basic factors such as a driver's age and car make, however these do not accurately portray a driver's behavior on the road unless something negative occurs. If people do not feel as if they are adequately monitored, they are often more likely to transgress, even slightly, in both how much mileage they consume and how closely the rules of the road are being followed.

Insurance that calculates costs differently may make a significant alteration. Collecting higher fees through more frequent driving might discourage unwarranted use of cars. Less driving will mean less gas expenditure and less exhaust pollution, both of which could significantly decrease the nation's carbon imprint. People may even see benefits in their personal life, such as increased agility and fitness from walking and biking instead of driving.

Whatever other considerations the populace may think important, their interests are often more pressing. Even on a more personal plane, usage based insurance is a valuable choice. Through telematic technology various aspects of driving, such as how fast a car is going and where it is, are transmitted. Being aware of this type of tracking, it seems logical that people would drive more heedfully and observe road rules more closely.

There are some aspects of pay-as-you-drive coverage that would make drivers uneasy because, in essence, they are being watched. However, a big part of switching to this type of insurance would also be seeing your premiums decrease faster and your rewards for safe driving racking up. Monthly coverage can only offer lower rates and perks after a prolonged period of time because driving history is the sole indicator of performance. The case may be worse for the newly licensed population, who often get stuck with high payments for years depending on their age. Through usage based insurance, drivers are guaranteed their good behavior on the road will be heeded and rewarded right away. Good driving, in this situation, could result in low premiums, even if the insured is below twenty-five.

Pay-as-you-drive options are not readily available in the United States, however more and more states are beginning to see the upshots. California, North Carolina and Texas seem to be the trailblazers. There is a good chance that this is the insurance type of the coming decades.

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